Monday, November 21, 2011

Today I miss You

Today I miss you more than I did yesterday. Why are the things that we know are the worst for us, the things we enjoy endulging in the most. The same person we would take a bullet for, often ends up being the one to pull the trigger.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Quotable Quotes

Today the quotes have just been rolling off my tongue! My brain is hard at work, so I'm gonna write a few down before I forget:

"Some people measure right or wrong by how many people co sign and agree with them. I measure it by how many disagree".

"Everyone has a basic human right, and a basic human responsibility. Far too often do we neglect one, for the sake of the other".

"African American people in this day and age would rather be acceptable than accountable. How sad is that"?

"Never let your dreams speak louder than your intuition, for many men will take advantage of a dreamer with his eyes closed".

"If everyone did what they loved, the world would be a much happier, far less advanced place".

Hair Matters

Every time I talk to someone and I hear the term "good hair" it makes me cringe. Hair does not have behavior patterns. Who decides which hair texture is desirable? Does television and years of miseducation have us so blinded that we use terms like that with a straight face? We have to do better as a people. Our children are depending on us to be the change that society needs to see, the fire that the community needs to be set ablaze.  Instead we accept the ignorance that has been handed down to us, all too eagerly, because the alternative is to seek your own answers to life's questions and who wants to do that. With sites like facebook, and twitter popping up every other day to distract us from the real world, where could we fit these issues in? Good hair, bad hair or indifferent, love yourself the way God made you.
"We are all of us worms, but I do believe that I am a glow worm". -Winston Churchill

Sunday, November 13, 2011


It's a Doggy Dog World

My Yorkie and Rottie playing in the backyard. I sold her ( the Rottie) a few months ago and am regretting it more and more each day. The Yorkie however is here, peeing in my bed and everywhere else O__o.  Never Know a good thing until it's gone I suppose. Even in the form of a 150lb dog who when she was here chewed a hole through my bedroom door and ate bags of rice out of my cubbard. Yep. My dogs are (were) hellions! I need a new dog.

Black is Beautiful

808's and Heartbreak ღ

Love is the stupidest of all emotions. Regardless of consequence or circumstance, it always finds an excuse to weather any storm. It's like a sickness that attacks each of the senses at once; taste, touch, smell, sight, sound. Eventually it renders you helpless to common sense. I remember the first time I fell in love. The sight of him made me sick to my stomach. His voice gave me hot flashes. Our first kiss I felt dizzy. Why is that? The one emotion that most people spend a life-time chasing is reminiscant of the flu! I would assume that atleast 80% of relationships fail. Most relationships are headed towards a brick wall in the beginning and the participants stay involved, well aware of the impending doom. I've said many times about a particular relationship that I knew wouldn't work, that I would rather stay in it and enjoy the scenery, the warm seat, and the mediocore wine than let go of my Mr. Wrong. Love seeks sensory pleasures and ignores the fate of your heart. Selfishly selfless. Most days I think it really is better to have loved and have lost than to not love at all. The heart can break a million times, and be pieced back together one million and one. Life is short, so we should do what makes us happy. And sometimes what makes you smile, will also make you cry. Tomorrow I may wake up and decide to move on from my stupidity; from love, but today I'm going to enjoy the scenery, the warm seat, and the mediocore wine.